Angela Legh
We all are made of magic, and the magic we share is love. All children are magical, and a gift to the world. Loving yourself is the path to greater satisfaction in life.
When I was young, I did not love or value myself enough to expect to be treated well, and I suffered because of that. I am on a mission to help children value themselves, and because of that, I serve their parents.
Here's my story:
From all appearances, I had it all together. Anyone looking from the outside would think I had everything. On the inside, however, I felt I was dying a little every day. Misery filled my days; I could not affect my environment the way I wanted to. I was the victim of my circumstances.
I had a responsible job in local government; I was a mom and a wife. But I had matrix apps - patterns of behavior that didn’t serve me. At work, I would over-give, then feel victimized when no one acknowledged my contributions. The same pattern existed in my home life; I gave myself away, I lost my voice, I didn’t speak my truth because the price I would pay for doing so was too great. I saw myself as the victim of my now former husband. In my mind, he needed to change; I was innocent.
Everything changed when the Tubbs wildfire swept through California’s wine country in 2017. Our family home was destroyed. I had to rethink my life; everything was lost, I was a blank slate.
The fire knocked the wind out of me—I fell into a deep depression. I began to question everything, including my existence. I also questioned why I was allowing myself to live a life that was making me miserable. When you rebuild your life from scratch, you get to choose new options.
I knew if I stayed in my marriage, I would shrivel up and die. In earlier years, I experienced despair; so much so that I considered making my pain end by driving off a bridge. Fortunately, my love for my children caused me to rethink my options before I did the unthinkable. I picked myself up and swallowed my pain, continuing in the toxic behavior pattern.
The fire woke me up to the fact that I was playing the victim in our marriage. I was allowing myself to be belittled, and I was the one who thought there were no options. I became aware that I chose his needs over mine; which wasn't self love. I decided to step into self love; once I built up my inner strength, I left my 32-year marriage. Soon after that, I retired from my job. I began a healing journey that took me to several countries and many self-help programs.
I thank my lucky stars that the 2017 Tubbs Fire blasted me out of my comfort zone. Because I would not be where I am today, if that fire did not happen. So yes, a wildfire did save my life.

My Healing Journey
My healing journey took me to several magical destinations, including Bali, Portugal, Spain, Italy, and Croatia, then to the UK where I settled in Cheltenham. I learned the words, actions, and behavior of my former husband triggered me because I had an internal wound from my childhood that matched the energy of his behavior. I learned everything that triggered me was revealing a wound I held inside. This new perspective allowed me to rise above the victim role I wore so well, and see the value of the gift he gave me.
By revealing the inner wounds triggered by his behavior, he was gifting me the opportunity to heal. During our marriage, I was reactive, and things just escalated. Once I left the marriage and had the perspective shift, I was able to see him in a new light.
Traveling the world allowed me to see that we are all the same inside. We all have hopes and dreams. We all desire to be loved; we all want the best for our children. Some are wounded souls who make painful choices that can victimize others, but most are good.
I started writing books; the first few were self-help anthologies where I wrote about the power of forgiveness and learning to surrender to life. I realized I wanted to reach children, to teach them the lessons I learned through hardship. Somehow, my life lessons ended up in a fairytale series, the Bella Santini Chronicles.
It occurred to me that I could not help children get in touch with their inner magic without paying attention to the needs of their parents. So I began to focus on giving parents the tools they need to raise emotionally healthy children. I began producing a television show entitled Children's Lives Matter with the intention of engaging, enlightening and empowering parents to raise emotionally healthy children.
I know how it feels to suppress pain and anger so much that misery takes over your life.
I know how it feels to wear a mask of success while you may be dying on the inside.
I know how it feels to want more out of life even when you appear to have it all.
I know how it feels to over-give so much that being tired, frustrated, and overwhelmed, is your norm.
Maybe you have tried to do it all by yourself, but it’s not working out the way you want it to. Perhaps it is time to try something different. Sometimes it takes someone else to show us the tools to manage our emotions. Sometimes we need to work with someone who has been through adversity so they understand our needs.
You have the power within you to overcome your adversity.