Did you know that redwood trees, which majestically stand up to 400 feet tall, do not have a taproot? A 350-foot tall redwood tree has a root system that goes only about 10′ deep. So, how then do these gentle giants manage to withstand winter winds?
It turns out that each redwood tree sends out a carpet mat of roots horizontally, intertwining with the roots of nearby redwood trees. Thus, the forest of redwood trees is actually an interconnected system, in which each tree is the stabilization for the ones around it. This root system is like the brains of the forest; trees sending messages about threats, sharing resources.

In our society, we believe we are separate; each of us moves in this world, semi-independent of those around us. I get up, go to work; you get up and stay home. We are in different places; the terms of this world separate us. However, is this which we believe actually true?
Everything is made of energy
At the quantum level, energy is the basis of every human, we are constructed by atoms and molecules. As evidenced by physics, energy is always in motion. Each one of us is a piece of the flow of energy. Walls do not contain energy; our skin does not contain it; you can’t hold a cup of energy. Because air is non-conductive, energy is contained in walls by wires. The energy inside of humans is not contained in the physical body; it is permeated throughout our aura. A network of energy connects every human being. We are not separate; we are connected. You are me; I am you; we are one.
Just like the Redwood Forest, a structure of interdependence laces through our human communities. We are social creatures; who doesn’t love to meet with friends or family to share a social drink or a meal? We rely on each other for social interaction, for the community, for a sense of belonging.
This is why the lockdown has been so challenging for those that are alone, like me. I was so devoid of human interaction that I broke down and cried more than once. For those sheltering with family, I have heard other challenges, such as having too much time with each other. This isolation situation brings old wounds to the surface; whether alone or with family, we are all dealing with it in one way or another.
Avoiding painful feelings
Some avoid the wounds by turning to alcohol or drugs, or maybe another addiction. Television, YouTube, Netflix, books, puzzles; whatever it takes to forget about the pain inside. The problem is that these panaceas don’t resolve anything; the pain simmers beneath the surface; later popping up when triggered by someone’s actions.
Avoidance is a natural response to the human condition. But whatever I try to avoid persists. The triggers keep on coming, my soul and the universe showing me that I have an inner wound to heal. As long as I perceive that the problem is the other person, I am stuck in the pattern. So, how do I break free?
As I wrote in my last blog post, my perception is key to my reality. If I feel alone, I will feel alone. If I feel that person is annoying, their actions will annoy me. But what if I see their actions as a mirror, showing me the part of me that is annoyed (aka triggered)? What if I felt grateful to that person for helping me see the part of me that needed healing? What if I looked inside of myself and forgave that part of me that is triggered?
As humans, we are all connected
We are all energy; we are connected. When I feel annoyed by someone, I am actually annoyed with an aspect of myself. If I feel fear, I am in fear of an aspect of myself. If I feel hate, I hate an aspect of myself. Everything that triggers me is revealing a shadow embedded in my psyche.
I work with my shadows to clear the energy from my field; this releases my triggers. It starts when I find where the feeling associated with my trigger is generated – is it the solar plexus, the heart, or my throat? I then imagine myself going into that portion of my body, finding the shadow, and wrapping it in love. Next, I hug and praise the shadow, asking it, ‘how can I help?’ Usually, my shadows seek recognition and acknowledgment. Once I do that, the shadow is released. As I release the shadows, I send them to the angels. This practice opens my heart and establishes peace and calm in my day.
What triggers you? Are you willing to do the work to clear the trigger? If so, freedom awaits.
Sending you blessings.